Building a Strong Christian Marriage

Building a Strong Christian Marriage Marriage is a beautiful covenant ordained by God, meant to reflect the love and unity between Christ and the Church. A strong, healthy Christian marriage forms the foundation for raising children who are grounded in faith and love....

Raising Christian Kids in an Ungodly World is not impossible

Raising Christian Kids in an Ungodly World is not impossible Have you had these kinds of conversations with your friends as I have about the challenges we face raising Christian kids in a non-Christian world. Trying to raise godly kids can feel impossible but stay...

Embracing the Empty Tomb at Easter

Embracing the Empty Tomb at Easter For me and many people around the world Easter stands as the cornerstone of our faith. For Christians, it is not just another day off; it’s a sacred time of reflection, renewal, and yes even unwavering hope. Beyond the colorful...

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Biblical Wisdom

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Biblical Wisdom I was reminder that in history, certain moments stand as timeless reminders of the power of words to shape destinies. One such pivotal moment occurred on November 19, 1863, when Abraham Lincoln delivered the...

Raising Kids with a Side of Faith for Schoolyard Resilience

Raising Kids with a Side of Faith for Schoolyard Resilience So, you’ve decided to raise your little ones with a strong Christian faith? Well, you’re in for a wild ride! I heard it said it’s a bit like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle – challenging,...