Coping Resources for Children and Parents

Do you wonder why?
Why do bad things happen? Does God Care?
Maybe you are asking yourself these questions. Maybe these questions are being asked to you from peers or children.
CEF® has produced a booklet called Do you wonder WHY?
It is made to help children and parents navigate through difficult times.
Click the link below to view the video or to walk through a virtual booklet of the same content! You can also find these resources on the resources link in the CEF Canada website main menu.

Do you wonder why?
Why do bad things happen? Does God Care?
Maybe you are asking yourself these questions. Maybe these questions are being asked to you from peers or children.
CEF® has produced a booklet called Do you wonder WHY?
It is made to help children and parents navigate through difficult times.
Click the link below to view the video or to walk through a virtual booklet of the same content! You can also find these resources on the resources link in the CEF Canada website main menu.