Now I have had my challenges with my phone batteries in recent days. It seems that I cannot go a full day without that low battery sign popping up. This happened to me with my last phone where I forgot to charge my phone, and my battery went completely dead, it just wouldn’t charge. I was stuck annoyed perplexed and upset with my current phone situation.
So, like every Apple owner, I went to YouTube searching for a fix, and as weird as it sounds this is what I found. Take a hair dryer, yes, I know it sounds weird and heat up the battery and it worked…… for the short term.

As challenging as it is with running low or even when it says no power on my phone it caused my stress level to rise. I was stressed because like many of you, your phone is important for many reasons, and besides you just don’t know what you might miss.

This led me to think of times when my spiritual batteries were low. Have you ever felt like you had a low spiritual battery? I know people handle it differently but let me give you a few clues that will help you recharge your spiritual batteries when you’re feeling low and looking to recharge. And a hair dryer is not involved.
Here are just a few ways you can recharge your spiritual battery’s:

- Read your Bible and take time to Journal: Dive into the Word and write out some key verses or even a Psalm that jumps out at you and personalize it. Record your insights and then end each journal entry with a one-sentence prayer asking God to reignite your heart based on what you’ve read. Journalling can help you to gain clarity in many areas of your life as you bring it to the Lord.
- Pray and Praise: When it comes to praying through the Word, the Psalms are an easy place to start. Praying aloud through some chapters and then praying it back to God as the Spirit leads.
I was reminded of this recently for example, read Psalm 145:16-17 :
“You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways
and kind in all his works.” Take time to pray those verses back to God by saying:“Thank You, God, that You hold within Your hands all that I need to be satisfied. Satisfy me with only You. I praise You for being righteous in all Your ways and kind in all You do. Help me to trust your righteousness and kindness in all that I bring before You,
- Cultivating a Gratitude mindset: Practicing gratitude can help to shift your focus from what you lack to what you have in the Lord. Gratitude practices can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal or taking time each day to reflect on the blessings in your life.
- Share: where you are during this low time spiritually with someone in your trusted circle. You do have a trusted circle, don’t you? If not this would be something to put on your list to get done. Reach out to us here at the CEF National office and we would be pleased to talk and pray with you about the season you may be in. By having others praying for you has many benefits that will get you through these days.
Now with that said let’s set aside the time to recharge our spiritual batteries. You’ve heard it said, unless it’s on the calendar it doesn’t happen well if it’s important, it’s worth scheduling the time.
So pull out your scheduler and make your spiritual renewal time a priority by putting it on the calendar every day / week.
Here’s to your recharging your Spiritual Batteries
- Art