Have you ever had one of those days or felt like you were about to have a rough day? I have and probably more than once in my journey as we traveled yet another trip around the Sun for another year.
While there is much to celebrate this year, we need to ask you to join us in continual prayer for Gwen Foord, our beloved friend and our National Director.
Gwen started the month off for a couple of weeks in ICU on life support until mid-December. During that time the doctors called the family in twice to her bedside to say their goodbyes as we almost lost her. But the goodness of the Lord intervened, through all your prayers and those around the world. Your prayers enabled Gwen to make sufficient progress to offer great glimmers of hope to the doctors and family . The doctors were amazed and said Gwen should get a gold star for making it through the night and we all agreed.

She now has been in the hospital some 5 weeks and she can talk and visit and the nurses had her sitting in a chair even if it was for a short time. This life-threatening infection of Sepsis, which kills many and led to further complications and doctors are calling Gwen’s improvement a miracle and we all agree are incredibly thankful to the Lord!

Going into the new year our dear friend and beloved leader Gwen has a long road to recovery ahead of her, thankfully we have prayer warriors around the world praying for her strength and healing. Recently the nurses managed to get Gwen into a chair even if it was for a short time but we are all Praising the Lord. Thank you for praying!
This year of 2024 holds many new opportunities for all of us and we are trusting the Lord for great things. We are looking to see the ministry grow with more kids coming to Christ and adding more missionaries in the field. The ministry of reaching the next generation with the gospel locally and internationally with your prayerful and financial support is greatly appreciated.
As you pray for us we would also like to pray for you. If you have any prayer requests, going into this new year please email or call our office as we would love to join you in lifting up your requests to the Lord as well.