Well, the new year is upon us. I’m sure you will agree the last few years actually have been challenging in many ways. However, here at CEF of Canada we are wishing you a new year of blessing. The old year rapidly is winding down and another New Year will be here at the stroke of midnight. It is true that whatever life throws at us, we should learn to hold on to God’s promises in this New Year.
Here are just a few keys I was reminded of recently that can help you to make the best of the new year.
- God holds our future! John 10:28 …And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.’
- Your future depends upon involving God in every aspect of your life.
- Walk in the light! There is such freedom and joy when we make the choices to walk in the light (His ways) versus the dark (self-centered choices). The big reason is that by so doing we do not hinder the power of the Holy Spirit within us. This allows God to guide us to healthy and wise choices.
- You cannot control your future – but you can control your choices and your attitude. When the sun rises tomorrow remember you have many choices to make, and they all influence the future.
- Take time be intentional and look in expectation to what God is going to do. Dive deep into Gods word and spend time in listening prayer. God is our hope and our future. Trust Him completely and invite Him to speak to you in these days.
Whatever unfolds in the year 2023 – it holds great promises for each of us. In Matthew 28:20 Christ states these words as He is about to leave for Heaven He says ‘I am with you always, even unto the end of the world’.
As we move into 2023, I believe that there are no better words than those that Christ shared with us in John 14:27, ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.’
Happy New Year!!