Navigating the New School Year How Christian Parents Are Preparing Their Children for Success As the school bells ring across Canada, Christian parents balance excitement with concern as their children return to the classroom. With the changing landscape of...
Navigating the Digital Age: A Guide for Christian Parents Navigating the influence of digital and social media can be daunting for Christian parents. The omnipresence of these platforms poses unique challenges, especially during the summer months when kids have extra...
Growing Roots in Faith: Nurturing Your Child’s Relationship with Christ One of our deepest desires as Christian parents is for our children to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. Now let me ask what have you found to be helpful in this journey with your kids?...
Building a Strong Christian Marriage Marriage is a beautiful covenant ordained by God, meant to reflect the love and unity between Christ and the Church. A strong, healthy Christian marriage forms the foundation for raising children who are grounded in faith and love....
Raising Christian Kids in an Ungodly World is not impossible Have you had these kinds of conversations with your friends as I have about the challenges we face raising Christian kids in a non-Christian world. Trying to raise godly kids can feel impossible but stay...