Reaching Hearts and Transforming Lives: The Mission of Child Evangelism Fellowship Canada
Reaching and nurturing children's hearts is not just a mission; it's an urgent call in our...
Stepping into 2025: Trusting God to Guide us in Reaching Children With the Gospel Around the Globe
Stepping into 2025 Trusting God to Guide us in reaching children with the Gospel around the Globe....
Join us in a Journey to the Heart of the Christmas Story
As the festive season approaches, hearts begin to fill with cheer, homes are adorned with...
Spreading Light in the Darkness:Facing Halloween as a Christian
As October 31st rolls around, you may wonder: “What should I, as a Christian, do about Halloween?”...
Let the Little Children Come: Our Call to Share the Gospel
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the...
Navigating the New School Year
How Christian Parents Are Preparing Their Children for Success As the school bells ring across...
Navigating the Digital Age: A Guide for Christian Parents
Navigating the influence of digital and social media can be daunting for Christian parents. The...
Growing Roots in Faith: Nurturing Your Child’s Relationship with Christ
One of our deepest desires as Christian parents is for our children to develop a personal...
Building a Strong Christian Marriage
Marriage is a beautiful covenant ordained by God, meant to reflect the love and unity between...
Raising Christian Kids in an Ungodly World is not impossible
Have you had these kinds of conversations with your friends as I have about the challenges we face...
Embracing the Empty Tomb at Easter
For me and many people around the world Easter stands as the cornerstone of our faith. For...
Loving the Lost
Let me share with you three keys to understanding God's unfailing love for a world in desperate...
Journeying with God in Every Season
As we step into another year, it’s natural to reflect on our aspirations, setting goals, and...
Now that’s going to hurt!
Have you ever had one of those days or felt like you were about to have a rough day? I have and...
A Christ-Centered Christmas Celebration
As the world sparkles with festive lights and the air is filled with the scent of evergreen, our...
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Biblical Wisdom
I was reminder that in history, certain moments stand as timeless reminders of the power of words...
Raising Kids with a Side of Faith for Schoolyard Resilience
So, you’ve decided to raise your little ones with a strong Christian faith? Well, you’re in for a...
Deciding to be Thankful
As we approach this Thanksgiving weekend, I know you along with us are all full of excitement for...
Count it all Joy ……….. Really
Summer is a season that brings images of long, lazy days, ice cream cones, and road trips with the...
Embracing the Right Perspective in Life and Faith for today and the next generation
Life can be a journey filled with ups and downs, and often, the way we perceive our experiences...
My uncle Joe went golfing last week
Uncle Joe is always one to embrace any challenge in life. At the young age of 70 he thought it...
Taking Kids To Sunday School
Did you know that 80% of the missionaries and Pastors serving the Lord came to faith when they...
Sometimes you Win sometimes you Learn
If you are a sports fan, we know all too well that success in sport isn't just about being skilled...
Where are you volunteering?
It's been a busy season traveling across the country promoting CEF Canada to various mission...
How do you feel when this happens?
Now I have had my challenges with my phone batteries in recent days. It seems that I cannot go a...