How do you feel when this happens?
Now I have had my challenges with my phone batteries in recent days. It seems that I cannot go a...
How will an Attitude of Gratitude be good for Your Life
Consider the ways that having gratitude make your life better: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18 be thankful in...
Welcome to the NewYear
Well, the new year is upon us. I’m sure you will agree the last few years actually have been...
Backpacks of Hope for the children of Ukraine
Giving Tuesday has come and gone yet I was reminded of how important it is to reach children...
WWJDCEF Canada Board Member Rob Lukings Many years ago, I read the novel “In His Steps”, by...
All You Need Is Love
Did you have a favorite group when you were younger? Back in my day the Beatles were my favorite...
One Heart at a Time
Art Alexander Doctor Religa, did the impossible. This kind old man is holding a picture of...
What will you put on your gravestone?
Art Alexander Did you know 10 out of 10 people die? I was at the funeral recently of a friend...
7 Ways to Teach Your Children to Pray
Art Alexander One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is to teach your children to...
Have you ever felt like you have missed an opportunity or something key in life?
Have you ever felt like you have missed an opportunity or something key in life? Posted by Art...
“If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.”
Posted by Art Alexander I was reminded today in a meeting of a Ray Charles song where he sings,...
A Message from Norm Ladouceur: CEF Board Member
Children are precious to God and each one needs to be afforded the opportunity to get to know Him...